Friday, December 24, 2010

I finally got my first tattoo..

(24/12) I had to have another CT scan and my radiation mask created. What is a radiation mask I hear you ask? Well they take this plastic mesh material and warm it up in hot water until it softens, then lay it over you and press mould it to your face, neck and upper torso. Thankfully I don't suffer from claustrophobia otherwise this would have been a very difficult 30 minutes. The mask isn't used to protect you but rather to ensure that you are in exactly the same position for each radiation treatment.

I had a great nurse who was able to get the catheter into my arm on her first attempt which was a huge relief. I should mention that a different nurse had attempted this procedure on me 3 days ago, 3 hours after having five teeth removed. After the 5th attempt to insert the needle had failed, with me almost fainting, my doctor demanded that it be rescheduled to today. They said my veins were jumping out of the way and honestly, who can blame them.

I finally got my first ever tattoo! (sorry mum and dad!) Ok, so it wasn't anything cool and menacing, rather just a small blue dot in the middle of my chest where the laser will line up to when I'm receiving my daily radiation treatments.

We now have 19 days to rest / recover from all the procedures and to try and pack on the kilos before beginning treatment.  Everyone that knows me knows that I love my food but at this moment, even a fragment is hard to swallow and thus, I've now started to constantly graze to try and keep my energy level / weight up

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