Tuesday, January 11, 2011

**** !!!

I called my clinical nurse specialist at Nepean (Anita) , as I had a few questions regarding my treatment on Wednesday and happened to ask this question.."Could you please tell me whether my radiation treatment will be the same day or will it be Thursday?" She informs me that she will find out immediately and get back asap. 10 minutes later Anita calls back responding with "I have some bad news".  How could it be any worse I wonder? She informs me that the Radiation department was not aware that I was beginning chemotherapy tomorrow and therefore,  I would have received chemotherapy with no assisting radiation treatment until Monday. This would have meant that there would be next to no benefit in tomorrows treatment, as radiation goes hand in hand in my case with the chemotherapy. Needless to say, I was "slightly miffed" and communicated this to each poor soul that I spoke with afterwards.

So, FIVE more days of waiting until it all begins.  At least that's FIVE more days of enjoying food and continuing to fatten myself up as much as I possibly can.  It's just a huge pity as I was so prepared to begin this journey tomorrow but there's always a positive side to everything.  Life can throw some unexpected punches, and all you can do is go with the flow. Move along please....NEXT!

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