Friday, March 4, 2011

Pictures of neck radiation burns and skin rash across stomach

Warning, if you suffer from a weak stomach or graphic images upset you, please DO NOT click on this link.

These pictures were taken on the 2/3/11, during Week 6 of my treatment.


  1. Hey Simon
    Just found out on the grapevine what you have been going through. Amazing to read your blog and see that you are taking such a positive approach. Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you. My olds have you on their prayer list so don’t be surprised if everything is fine very soon, (my mum has some arrangement with God for healing and finding parking spaces) I will make the effort this month to do a couple of extra plasma donations, I do double platelets once a month but I think I can do plasma too. I know it doesn’t help you directly (unless your A pos) but it might make a difference to someone in a similar fight. Can’t imagine what it must be like for you mate and I am looking forward, down the track to sharing a beer and hearing all about it firsthand. In the meantime I will stay tuned to the Blog
    Cheers mate.

  2. I am pained seeing the burns.There is a lot of help from surgery to remove the pots ans marks but initially they have to be cured from the bruise and pain.plastic surgery recovery los angeles

  3. There is a connection between food allergy asthma and such kinds of skin rashes or diseases.I think the new relation established would bring about some change in the treatment line for the same.pleastic surgery recovery
