Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 4 almost over...

Well, here I am, day 4 and onto my 3rd bag of FU5 with one more to go. Surprisingly, to the doctors, to the nurses and most of,  there have been no nasty side effects from the treatments thus far which is absolutely fantastic. Every morning the team of white coats walk in during their morning rounds and ask the same question, "have you been sick or feeling nauseous?" to which I've happily replied "no", "nein", "nyet". Tomorrow I hope to be able to say "non".

The only complaint that I have is that sitting / lying in a hospital bed for 23 hours a day is damn annoying when your accustomed to being mobile at least. That's not to say that I can't go for a walk around the corridors, which I'm doing every day much to the amusement of the nurses, but I have to tote my FU5 drip feeder along with me with my cannula leash and it's just plain annoying to do so. At least it doesn't leave any droppings along the way for me to pick up which is a bonus I suppose.

I'm eating every meal of the day and thankfully my taste buds have not yet returned, as I'm almost 100% positive that if they had, then it would probably be a different story (again hosspies..I'm joking!). My weight is up to 58.2 kgs,  proof that solid food is way better than liquid food for weight gain. The soreness in my throat has completely subsided and I can even yawn now without a searing pain shooting down my throat.

Another interesting little item to note is that the nurses have to monitor your blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature every 4 hours between 4am - 10pm, which can be slightly annoying when your enjoying a restful sleep. Well, here's proof that being fit is definitely good for you. On my first examination they were alarmed at how low my blood pressure and heart rate were. I was continually asked "do you feel faint or dizzy?" or "are you short of breath?" to which I replied no. My head doctor was then called and she immediately said "he's a fit person, make a note on the nurses chart to not be alarmed at the lower readings for this patient"  Lowest rested heart rate has been 41 bpm recorded at 10pm, although they did wake me from a peaceful slumber. Average is between 47-55 pm. Blood pressure is consistently hovering between 108/70 to 113/75.

2 cycles remaining to be completed with 2 weeks rest in-between each cycle, to allow the body to recover from each treatment. 

Two more sleeps to go and that'll be 1 cycle down,  after which I'm bolting home to cook up a feast of cardboard flavoured lamb chops and veges.  Woohoo!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL ... "At least it doesn't leave any droppings along the way for me to pick up ..."
    You're funny.
    And Brave.
    And inspiring.
